Hey guys BetaKordell here! Today was an Awesome Party at Chocolate! Talk about it Raining Alot man! There was a lot of Raing Items and Mod Magic I still really wish I knew which Moderator was doing all this. Some Chobots say it was Vayer and others say it was Jessie. I think it was Jessie for sure. If you were there you would agree with me how awesome this Party was! And plus their doing even MORE PARTIES Tomorrow and possibly Today again. Below Ill have listed all the things that happened and the Items it rained :)
Items It Rained: No Lag T-Shirt,Pie T-Shirt,Love T-Shirt,Peace T-Shirt,B Girl T-Shirt,Cat Mask,and Star Glasses.
Magic It Rained:Star Balloons,Giant Magic,Dreaming Magic,Glowing Magic,Black and White Magic.
Mod Magic-The Moderator turned us into Sharks,Spiders,Turtles,Butterflies,Dragon flies,Eagles,Cats,Nichos,Agents,Chobots in Dresses, and thats all i was there for so sorry if there is more :)
Well thats the Party it was Awesome I hope your there for the Next!